
In order not to unnecessarily produce prints, heat up buildings for storage or carry out transport, at Aurora’s Chamber work with print on demand for all our printed items (e.g. printed pictures, teacups and notebooks). This means that your product is not finalized, i.e. printed, until you place your order. Our products are printed within Europe and your order is thereafter sent directly to you from the printing house, so that we can avoid unnecessary transport. All products are designed by Louise in her studio in Lund.

We have the same philosophy in our jewelry production - your product is in most cases not finalized until you place your order. This way we can produce as many pieces of jewelry as our customers want - no more, and no less! In our jewelry production, we are happy to, whenever possible, reuse old beads, for example reusing beads from an older necklace and making them into a jaw dropping pair of earrings! In this way, an old necklace can be given a new life - and our customers can enjoy beautiful craftsmanship, such as that of old champlève beads, which are no longer made with the same quality as in the past - in other words a win-win! We send the jewelry in small packages and do not use unnecessary plastic wrapping. The jewelry is sent from our designer Louise's atelier in Lund.
On a deeper level, our vision with Aurora's Chamber is to help building a deeper connection to our identity as women and as humans, to our collective histories and memories, but also to our individual history and memories, through the transmission of old forgotten knowledge, old traditions and older relationships to our nature and the world around us. We believe that there is much knowledge and wisdom to be found in old myths, stories from the past and ancient fairy tales, and with Aurora's Chamber we want to be a platform for the exploration of these stories, and a place for the construction of a deeper but also broader identity and meaning, hopefully a more ‘full’ identity, built on older traditions and worldviews, which nevertheless works in harmony with a modern, but still a new old, time, and an ever growing world.